Habib Gulzar Company
About us
HABIB GULZAR group is a well-renowned business family of Afghanistan and doing business since 1940. 1940 – Established the first distribution business “Gulzar Trading Company”. 1960 – Put-up a textile mill (first manufacturing business) “Nasaji Nangarhar Limited” in Jalalabad City. 1976 – Restructured the business and expanded the distribution network to whole of Afghanistan & neighboring countries with the name of “Habib Gulzar Limited”. 1995 – Established “Habib Gulzar International LLC” in UAE for overseas operations.Apart from multimillion US$ investment in state of the art Coca-Cola Bottling Plant and real estate, the Habib Gulzar group is national distributors of different multinational companies including Toyota, Phillip Morris, Japan Tobacco, Continental Biscuits, Kraft, Packages Limited.
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