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“xChange makes trading containers a transparent, simplified and digitised process.”

James Grunsky has been a part of the real estate and trucking industries in the United States for decades. But now, his company has added another feather to its cap: global container trading. And within a year of entering into container trading, Grunsky Trading Co. has significantly impressive profit margins to flaunt. Do you want to grow as swiftly as he did? If yes, read on to know more details.

  • 95% Business done through xChange

  • 54 Companies found through xChange

  • 600+ Containers traded through xChange

About the company

Grunsky Trading Company is founded and managed by James Grunsky. Grunsky also manages Woods Property Investments LLC. It is located in Stockton, CA, and specializes in residential and multi family real estate investments. With a history spanning over decades in the business, the company already had vast experience. And now in container trading, it’s only growing bigger and better.

How long have you been on xChange for?

I have been on xChange for more than a year now.

What directed you to us?

I have been a part of the logistics industry for several years. While I had my own strategies for business, with constant disruptions in the industry, it’s hard to know if they would work. For instance, around November and December, 2021, when Omicron was at its peak, followed by the Chinese Lunar year, my strategic plans did not work. Instead of moving units from Europe to China, I had to adjust and start selling units here in the US. Now, changing markets like that is a really hard thing to do without having someone like xChange helping you. xChange makes finding containers a simplified and digitised process. It’s very easy to adapt to this model.

And how has xChange solved your problems?

xChange has been a massive help in helping me find containers all over the world. Not just find them, but the flexibility to move or trade them from one point of the world to another is amazing. It’s not only about trading containers but also the payment infrastructure and tracking systems that are incredibly helpful. For example, in December 2021, I had bought 84 40 HC units in Antwerp, Belgium, and sent them to Shenyang, China. A little later, I realized that I was supposed to send them somewhere else and I got the destination port wrong! It was through xChange that we could finally move those units out of Shenyang, relocate them to Dalian and sell them there at higher prices. I don’t know how I would have solved this problem without a platform like xChange.
In fact now, 95% of my business is done through the platform. I am always on the platform, looking for insights on container availability as well as trading and leasing. I will be buying 100 units in May and 200 units in June.

How many customers have you found through us?

I have been on the platform for over a year now and have already more than 50 customers through xChange.

That’s incredible! And how long do you have to wait for a response on xChange?

It’s fairly quick. I have never had to wait for too long to hear back from other companies on xChange.

Having used xChange so actively, what are your thoughts about the platform?

Without xChange, no one like me should exist! xChange creates an unbelievable level of transparency and flexibility that never existed in this industry. More businesses will need to adapt to this model soon to flourish in the industry!

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